Bilateral Meetings
- Friday (02:00 pm - 07.00 pm) Please add the cooperation profile
- Saturday (10:00 am - 01:00 pm) Please add the cooperation profile
DescriptionParis Region Entreprises, is a regional agency which belongs to the consortium TOPIC working the European Commission (EASME). We support SME Intrument beneficiary in Paris and other areas.
Organization Type
BSOs and Institutions,
Areas of Activities
Agro-food manufacturing, food security, safety and quality control, food traceability, food conservation and shelf life
Health biotechnology
Water technologies, space application to agriculture, environmental management
Energy production, renewable energies
Other sectors relevant to the thematic focus of the event

Looking for Sub-saharien business partners to be put in relation with French SMEs
We give advice and grants to innovative French Companies. Many of Them have already developped new technologies adapté to african markets . Therefore , we are looking for african partners to make business cooperation with them.
Cooperation Offered
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
Cooperation Requested
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution
Regional Agency and International development for SMEs
Paris Region Entreprises, is a regional agency which belongs to the consortium TOPIC working the European Commission (EASME). We support SME Intrument beneficiary in Paris and other areas.
Cooperation Offered
- Other
- Sales / Distribution
- Technical co-operation
- Outsourcing co-operation
Cooperation Requested
- Other
- Technical co-operation
- Outsourcing co-operation