Bilateral Meetings
- Friday (02:00 pm - 07.00 pm) Please add the cooperation profile
Description* Skills transfer for newly acquired agricultural equipments, the development of innovate and cost effective processes or management practices.
* The production of High-yield NON GMO soybean varieties
Organization Type
Big Company / corporation,
Areas of Activities
Agro-food manufacturing, food security, safety and quality control, food traceability, food conservation and shelf life
Skills Transfer
* Skills transfer for newly acquired agricultural equipments, the development of innovate and cost effective processes or management practices.
* The production of High-yield NON GMO soybean varieties.
Cooperation Requested
- Technical co-operation
* Importers/ Wholesalers/ Distributors of coffee, tea, rose cut flowers, soybean
* Companies that are engaged in the development of innovate agricultural equipment, new processes or management practices.
Cooperation Offered
- Sales / Distribution
Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution