
Michel Wodja Lokolowo

Chargé des projets
Archy Services Consulting

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday (02:00 pm - 07.00 pm) Please add the cooperation profile
  • Saturday (10:00 am - 01:00 pm) Please add the cooperation profile
DescriptionBureau d'étude et Consultance, offre de services aux différentes entreprises, s'occupe de l'agriculture par ses propres Hectares agricules, encadrement des initiative de developpement
Organization Type Other,
Areas of Activities

Agro-food manufacturing, food security, safety and quality control, food traceability, food conservation and shelf life

    Water technologies, space application to agriculture, environmental management

      Other sectors relevant to the thematic focus of the event

        Business Request

        Soutiens technique et financier

        Accompagner les Pme et artisant vers le formel et gestion et orientation des activités, formation et développement des projets, renforcement des capacité

        Cooperation Requested
        1. Technical co-operation
        2. Sales / Distribution
        3. Investment/Financing
        4. Other