Paulina Bizzotto Molina

Policy Officer
European Centre for Development Policy Management
DescriptionOur main goal is to link policy and practice in European development and international cooperation and to act as an independent broker between Europe, Africa and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP). The Food Security Programme of ECDPM actively supports public and private sector organisations and businesses in developing regional markets and promoting investment through public-private-partnerships (PPP).
Organization Type Research Centers
Areas of Activities

Agro-food manufacturing, food security, safety and quality control, food traceability, food conservation and shelf life

    Other sectors relevant to the thematic focus of the event


      Support in developing regional value chains

      The Food Security Programme of ECDPM actively supports public and private sector organisations and businesses in developing regional markets and promoting investment through public-private-partnerships (PPP). We are interested in hearing the views of businesses, cooperatives and business associations on the opportunities and bottlenecks of developing regional value chains. We have an extensive network of regional African and EU organisations. We offer information, analysis and research to support effective and inclusive public-private partnerships.

      Keywords: agriculturedevelopmentpartnershipspolicyresearchvalue chainsregional
      Cooperation Offered
      1. Other
      2. Technical co-operation
      Cooperation Requested
      1. Other
      2. Technical co-operation