Masof Elhaj moctar Brahim Mauritania, Nouadhibou
- Business Offer Acces to mauritania fishing ground
MegaCivic Srl Giorgio Karhausen Italy, Carmignano di Brenta (Padova)
- Business Offer Smart Solar Desalination (SSD)
- Technological Offer Smart Solar Desalination (SSD)
MFA Brikti Kebede Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
- Idea Ministry Foreign Affairs / Support businesses in Ethiopia
MFA Hirut Zemene Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
- Business Request INVESTOR
MFA kassa G/Yohannes Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
- Business Request Meeting with companies interested in Ethiopia
MFA kassa G/Yohannes Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
- Idea meetings with companies interested in Ethiopia
MFA seifu chacho Ethiopia, addis ababa
- Business Request Junior Bussiness Dilomat
MFA Yohannes Gebeyehu Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
- Business Offer Finance & Investment
Microlab Giulio Sfoglietti Italy, Roma
- Business Offer Business opportunities in Turkish Market
- Business Offer Offer for Consultancy/Design/Manufacturing Services
Ministère de l'Environnement Monsieur Balolebwani Congo-Kinshasa(Zaire),
Ministère de l'Environnement Monsieur Mokanga Congo-Kinshasa(Zaire),
Ministère de l'Environnement Monsieur Tosuwa Congo-Kinshasa(Zaire),
Ministere du Commerce/RDCongo Jean Onopese Okitapango Congo-Kinshasa(Zaire), Kinshasa
- Business Offer Création d'un bureau de consultance
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brikti Kebede Gugssa Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
- Business Offer Ministry Foreign Affairs/meeting with companies interested in Ethiopia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brikti Kebede Gugssa Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
- Idea Ministry Foreign Affairs / Support businesses in Ethiopia
- Research & Development Official link with companies form Lesotho
Ministry of Industry Aschenaki Assefa Yinessu Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
- Idea Ministry of Industry / support businesses in Ethiopia
Ministry of Industry Feleke Admassu Yifru Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
- Idea Textile,Leather and Metal Industry Study,Monitoring and Support Directorate Director
Ministry of Industry and Commerce Constance Zhanje Zimbabwe, Harare
- Idea Ministry of Industry / meeting with companies interested in Zimbabwe
Ministry of Trade Assefa Mulugeta Kondal Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Bilateral Talks
- Participants324
- Meetings Requested1747
- Meetings Accepted482
- Angola 33
- Austria 2
- Belgium 7
- Benin 7
- Burkina Faso 38
- Cameroon 2
- Comoros 2
- Congo-Brazzaville 3
- Congo-Kinshasa(Zaire) 15
- Cote d'Ivoire 6
- Ethiopia 48
- Finland 1
- France 21
- Gambia 3
- Ghana 7
- Hungary 1
- Ireland 2
- Italy 142
- Lesotho 1
- Malawi 4
- Mali 3
- Malta 1
- Mauritania 1
- Morocco 3
- Mozambique 7
- Netherlands 5
- Niger 2
- Nigeria 7
- Norway 1
- Poland 10
- Portugal 18
- Senegal 18
- Slovenia 2
- South Afriica 1
- Spain 5
- Sweden 2
- Togo 2
- United Kingdom 1
- USA 1
- Zimbabwe 3
- Total of Participants438
Profile views
- Before Event38931
- After Event1186225